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- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- MPEGAPlayer 2.45 (16-Aug-1997)
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- Distribution Conditions
- -----------------------
- This program is copyright (c) 1995-97 by Stephane TAVENARD.
- It may be distributed freely under the condition that no profit is
- gained from its distribution, nor from any other program distributed
- in the same package.
- Permission is granted to distribute this package by Bulletin Board
- systems or network sites, under the condition that no fee is charged
- on downloading it.
- All files that are part of this package have to be distributed
- together and none of them may be changed in any way other than
- archiving or crunching. The only exception to this rule are the
- icons, including the tooltypes, which may be changed to accommodate
- them to the rest of the disk it is distributed on.
- This program is distibuted as giftware.
- Disclamer
- ---------
- This package is provided "as is" without warranty of any kind.
- The author assumes no responsibility or liability whatsoever
- for any damage or dataloss caused by using this package.
- Introduction
- ------------
- What is MPEG audio ?
- It's a very efficient audio compression standard. Actually, there are 3 methods
- of compression named Layer I, II & III. Layer III is more efficient than
- Layer II and layer II is more efficient than layer I :) .
- MPEG audio allow to compress a 16-bits PCM sound file from 1.2 to 32 times.
- Why is it so hard to make a real time MPEG audio decoder ?
- MPEG audio decoding requires a lot of arithmetic calculation, so a lot of CPU
- power is required. Normally, MPEG audio decoding is made with help of a DSP.
- History
- -------
- V1.0 11-Jun-1995 First release (not public)
- V1.1 19-Jun-1995 Corrected minor bug in audio signal allocation
- V1.11 09-Jul-1995 Asynchronous Config window & Screen locking bug corrected
- V1.2 10-Sep-1995 Added mixing frequency for audio output
- 07-Feb-1996 68060 version not optimized
- V1.3 01-Jul-1996 Fixed a bug in the check routine
- Corrected old bug that kill my prog
- V1.4 28-Dec-1996 Correct bug in Config save ! (very old bug...)
- Now supports MPEG-2 Layer1&2
- Now Scopes Genies works !
- Added Volume/Balance/Faster/Slower/Prev/Next
- Use Christian Buchner 14-bit calibrated audio
- V1.41 17-Feb-1997 Added Audio buffer time config (1/4 sec to 2 secs)
- Added High priority config
- V1.42 27-Feb-1997 Added Boost Volume option in config
- V2.00 05-May-1997 Major release (Player is now in 'C')
- Added MPEG layer III
- Improved multitasking
- Added AHI (V4)
- No more 8 bit output
- New Configuration
- V2.10 16-May-1997 Improved Audio manager (and fixed 'skipping' bug)
- Fixed bugs in memory allocation
- Audio Filter is not changed by player any more
- V2.20 18-May-1997 Fixed bug in Audio reset
- Improved MPEG Decoding (20% faster on 060)
- V2.30 24-May-1997 Fixed bug that crashed player when start playing.
- New Audiomanager (uses soft interrupts)
- V2.35 29-May-1997 Fixed play/pause function (bug in V2.30)
- Gain of 6% for Layer III decoding (on '060)
- V2.40 16-Jul-1997 Enhanced Status Window (time bar now !)
- Use Async I/O
- Gain of 5% for Layer III decoding (on '060)
- Separate setting for Layers I&II and Layer III
- V2.45 16-Aug-1997 Fixed a bug in Audiomanager (AHI mode)
- Fixed some bugs in windows show/hide
- Description
- -----------
- This is a player for DeliTracker program (thanks to Peter Kunath and
- Frank Riffel for this marvellous soundplayer). You need at least a
- 68020 CPU to use it ! This player can decode and play standard
- MPEG audio bitstreams, layers I, II & III.
- Audio output can be made whit my internal paula driver (14 bits)
- or with AHI device (you need at least V4 of AHI)
- How to use it ?
- First, get a version of DeliTracker (best: get the latest version).
- Then, copy the corect player file 'MPEGAPlayer.xxx'
- in the DeliPlayer directory.
- ***** WARNING *****
- ***** WARNING *****
- Last, start DeliTracker and try to load an MPEG Audio file:
- You don't hear anything:
- -> there's a bug ?
- You hear a some sound broken with blanks:
- -> Your CPU is not enough faster for the current options.
- You hear a countinous sound (10 sec):
- -> Ok, you've got a good CPU, try to find long MPEG file now.
- Options
- -------
- In the player option window of DeliTracker, select Config button.
- Then you can configure the MPEG decoder for mono and stereo files
- separately (why ? because decoding time of stereo files is approx.
- 2x decoding time of mono files). Config. options are:
- The decoding options are separated for MPEG Layers I & II and
- Layer III.
- Mono & Stereo file
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- Qual (Quality): High, Medium, Low
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- -> defines the decoding quality, and also the decoding speed.
- Slow CPU users, select Low quality ...
- F.Max (Freq Max): 4000..48000
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- -> defines the maximum output decoding frequency.
- If the frequency of the file to decode is greater than the 'Freq Max'
- specified, the decoder divide by 2 or by 4 in order to have a
- decoding frequency just bellow 'Freq Max'
- Slow CPU users, set this value to 12000 (div by 4) or 24000 (div by 2)
- For Fast CPU, you can set this to 48000 in order to never divide
- output frequencies.
- Note: 'Freq Max' allows better setting than the 'Frequency' selector
- of the older releases.
- Force mono:
- ~~~~~~~~~~
- For stereo files, it's possible to play them in mono (save a lot of CPU time)
- when selecting 'Force Mono'
- Miscellaneous
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- Scopes:
- ~~~~~~
- When disabled, the player don't make calculation for the scopes, so it can
- save some usefull power on Slow CPU !
- Status:
- ~~~~~~
- When enabled, the status window is automatically opened when an mpeg audio
- file starts to play.
- Priority:
- ~~~~~~~~
- Allows to set the player's priority from 0 (normal) to 19 (high).
- Set it to 19 if you don't want to have audio 'holes' when using others
- applications that need a lot of CPU.
- A value of 3 is a good value for a player.
- Buffer Time:
- ~~~~~~~~~~~
- Specified the amount of decoded audio samples to keep in memory.
- 3 secs is a good value.
- Audio
- ~~~~~
- Enable AHI:
- ~~~~~~~~~~
- If not checked, use the internal PAULA driver (use 14 bit calibrated audio output)
- If checked, use AHI driver, you can then choose an audiomode by clicking on
- 'Get AHI Mode' ...
- Mixing:
- ~~~~~~
- If not checked, the audio output frequency is the same as the decoder frequency.
- If checked, the audio frequency is specified by the 'Mix. freq' field.
- Vol. Boost:
- ~~~~~~~~~~
- Allows to boost the audio volume (100% correspond to normal volume).
- Ok, everything is clear ? try it now !
- Copyrights
- ----------
- DeliTracker is Copyright © by Delirium Softdesign
- AHI is © by Martin Blom
- Thanks
- ------
- Peter Kunath and Frank Riffel for DeliTracker !
- Martin Blom for the marvellous AHI system !
- Christian Buchner for his 14-bit audio calibrated.
- Thanks to my friend, AMIGA, the best computer ever made.
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- Stéphane TAVENARD (ANGERS/France)
- E-Mail: tavenard@xiii.univ-angers.fr (it's my brother Raphael mail)
- IRC: Tatav
- Snail: if you want to send me gifts :^)
- Stéphane TAVENARD
- La Bezanière
- 49070 Saint Jean de Linières
- Nota from Raphaël: Because my E-mail account is very very short, please tell me before
- using an attachment :(